I am entirely at your service for our time together and I can work on any variation of these themes:


We will go through your health and fitness goals and any concerns or injuries you may have. Take any vital body measurements, body fat percentage, estimate water retention levels. This is essential to establish where you’re starting from so we can measure progress.

One to One personal training:

  • ·Mobilisation of joints and warming up properly to avoid injury during workout.
  • ·CV/ Aerobic fitness-Walking, Jogging, Running, Skipping, Swimming, Kick-boxing.
  • ·Resistance exercises-TRX, Free-weights, Resistance bands & body weight.
  • ·Cooling down/ stretchingout to ensure the body stays supple and is free from lactic acid.

Personal Yoga/ Pilates & Martial Art Classes:

  • ·One to one instruction in Yoga and Pilates techniques to build core strength and flexibility.
  • ·Work on your self defence using the blocks, strikes and locks from Shotokan Karate.
  • ·De-stress Kick-boxing using pads and give yourself the ultimate workout.

Advanced PNF Stretching & Foam roller

  • ·Tight Hamstrings/ Glutes/ I.T. Band? Try some assisted stretching or a session on the foam roller.

Nutritional/ Detoxification Programs:

  • ·Fill out a food diary for 1 week of all you eat & drink. I will take you through your diet and explain where you’re going wrong. If you eat right then your energy levels will triple.
  • ·Do you want to detoxify your body? To achieve maximum levels of health you must cleanse the body both internally and externally. Only then will you reach your true potential.

“Healthy body, healthy mind”